
IT strategy

  • September 05, 2005 05 Sep'05

    Extending perimeters

    The news that, up until 2006, 70% of successful wireless local area network (WLAN) attacks will be because of the misconfiguration of WLAN access points and client software is disquieting on a number of levels.

  • August 30, 2005 30 Aug'05

    Myfip's Titan Rain connection

    LURHQ researchers say the Myfip worm is a good example of the malcode Chinese hackers are using in the so-called Titan Rain attacks against U.S. government networks.

  • August 30, 2005 30 Aug'05

    Antivirus can introduce dangerous network security holes into any OS

    AV software is one of the most basic security steps available. It's also yet another gateway for security breaches.

  • August 30, 2005 30 Aug'05

    Passive fingerprinting: Applications and prevention

    In this excerpt from the book Silence on the Wire, author Michal Zalewski discusses both malicious and beneficial uses for passive fingerprinting, and how to prevent successful passive fingerprinting on your network.