
IT security

  • November 10, 2005 10 Nov'05

    Security Bytes: FTC cracks down on alleged spyware distributors

    Patches fix serious RealPlayer flaws, IM malcode launches phishing attacks; Microsoft warns of Macromedia Flash flaw; Liberty Alliance pushes stronger authentication; FEMA data security is in question; patches fix Veritas flaws and TransUnion ...

  • November 09, 2005 09 Nov'05

    Trojans target Sony DRM and Windows

    Security researchers track two new Trojan horses. One exploits the Sony DRM program. The other could possibly take aim at the Windows flaw Microsoft patched this week.

  • November 08, 2005 08 Nov'05

    Sony takes second stab at DRM patch

    But a top executive's response to criticism over the company's use of rootkit technology has added fuel to the backlash.

  • November 06, 2005 06 Nov'05

    Hacking Windows: MSRPC vulnerabilities

    In this excerpt from "Hacking Exposed, Fifth Edition: Network Security Secrets & Solutions," authors Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray and George Kurtz introduce MSRPC vulnerabilities and countermeasures.

  • October 24, 2005 24 Oct'05

    Reporter's Notebook: NYC 'controls the software industry'

    At Information Security Decisions: a security "rock star" rages against the Microsoft machine; banging the drum for enterprise security; a sour note on zero-day exploits.

  • October 20, 2005 20 Oct'05

    Author delves into novel attack methodologies

    Review of Silence on the Wire, a book about security attack methodologies such as passive fingerprinting.

  • October 19, 2005 19 Oct'05

    Elements of a data protection strategy

    In this excerpt from Data Protection and Lifecycle Management, Tom Petrocelli addresses the importance of securing data for regulatory compliance and outlines the five components of a data protection strategy.

  • October 17, 2005 17 Oct'05

    How avian flu could threaten IT security

    Experts say a potential bird flu pandemic could have a disastrous effect on IT infrastructures. But if companies plan well, those infrastructures could also help minimize chaos.

  • October 12, 2005 12 Oct'05

    Quiz: What's your infosec IQ?

    We've collected our toughest questions to see how well you stand up to a challenge. Put your knowledge to the test and let us know how you do.

  • October 12, 2005 12 Oct'05

    Symantec fixes 'critical' Veritas flaw

    Attackers could launch malicious code by exploiting a security hole in Veritas NetBackup servers and clients. But Symantec has released a fix.