
Information technology (IT) in Asia-Pacific

  • August 21, 2019 21 Aug'19

    Silence APT group eyes APAC banks

    Russian-speaking advanced persistent threat group has set its sights on banks in the region, customising its arsenal for targeted attacks

  • August 20, 2019 20 Aug'19

    Myriota and Optus sign deal on IoT connectivity

    Myriota and Optus Business will leverage each other’s connectivity and network footprint to help Australia’s industries connect up internet of things sensors in remote areas

  • August 19, 2019 19 Aug'19

    Australian firm to debut smart cricket ball

    With the cloud-connected ball and machine learning, amateur cricket players will soon be able to analyse their bowls and improve their game

  • August 19, 2019 19 Aug'19

    How EDR is moving beyond the endpoint

    An emerging breed of detection and response offerings is going beyond endpoints to collect and decipher telemetry data from across the enterprise