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Reduxio’s Magellan charts course to storage in containers
Reduxio makes its storage product functionality available via microservices in containers aimed at container-native deployments, in an initial closed customer beta
Reduxio, which specialises in storage with a data protection twist, has announced it is going into customer evaluations...
Reduxio, which specialises in storage with a data protection twist, has announced it is going into customer evaluations of a Docker container-based version of its product, with a microservices architecture.
The Reduxio Magellan Cloud Data Platform – which will be generally available later this year – will see the company’s core functionality available in Docker containers that run under the orchestration of a Kubernetes environment.
These include stateful or persistent storage – with Reduxio’s key features of one-second recovery point objective and recovery time objective – instant disaster recovery, dynamic tiering and inline data deduplication.
Physical storage can be any locally attached storage. These are virtualised by Reduxio’s Magellan containers, which provide container-native storage and built on microservices.
The microservices are management of metadata, application interfaces and media management.
Containerisation is taking root among enterprise users for its flexibility and scalability. It’s a form of virtualisation but one that does away with the hypervisor layer and just has containers – the virtual machine in this case – that run directly on the operating system.
These can be created, used and taken down rapidly to provide great elasticity to datacentre operations. Key workloads targeted by Reduxio are cloud native applications such as Apache Kafka and Spark, Hadoop and MongoDB, as well as processing workloads and web applications, etc.
Read more about storage and containers
- With compute requirements often fragmented, shortlived and bursty, traditional storage architectures can struggle to cope – so is storage in containers the solution?
- We look at what the big five storage array makers – Dell EMC, Hitachi, HPE, IBM and NetApp – are doing to provide persistent storage for container-based deployments.
“This is the first microservices-based container-native storage platform,” said Jacob Cherian, chief marketing officer at Reduxio. “There are benefits to this approach in being able to disaggregate the storage stack into the microservices model in terms of rapid updates and instant data mobility.”
“We are no longer an appliance company; we are a software company,” he said.
According to Gartner, by 2022, more than 75% of global organisations will run containerised workloads in production, up from fewer than 30% today.
Currently, many containerised applications are being run on storage systems originally created for on-premise workloads that are retrofitted to support containers and clouds. This can result in a siloed and inflexible infrastructure.