TfL seeks BI worth £750,000

Transport for London (TfL) is setting up a framework agreement for a business intelligence tool worth up to £750,000 million to help reduce its number of head office locations.

Transport for London (TfL) is setting up a framework agreement for a business intelligence tool worth up to £750,000 to help reduce its number of head office locations.

Over the next five years TfL is to reduce the number of its sites by consolidating them into central hub locations.

The framework for the time utilisation studies (TUS) is intended to provide a better understanding of the use of head office locations, and will be used to reduce the organisation’s sites. The analysis will also form the basis of a move to reduce sites by moving to a desk sharing model.  

TfL and its subsidiary companies will be able to use the framework, as well as other public bodies in the Greater London Authority, such as the Metropolitan Police Service, the London Ambulance Service, the Royal Parks, Network Rail and the London Boroughs. The framework will run for four years and be open to a single operator.

The move follows a restructuring at TfL, which has seen the organisation integrate its information management team with that of the London Underground. From January both organisations’ information teams will be headed up under the same CIO, Steve Townsend.

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