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Daisy survey reveals customers are investing in future-proofing while reducing costs

Firm Daisy Corporate Services quizzes customers to lift the lid on concerns and share their planned technology investment areas

There are some signs that economic conditions are easing, but the focus for customers remains on using technology to reduce costs.

Research from channel player Daisy Corporate Services has lifted the lid on current user attitudes to spending, finding that budgets remain a key issue. As a result, almost two-thirds of UK organisations are likely to be looking to reduce costs over the course of this year.

When CIOs were quizzed about their work headaches, the list included dealing with legacy technology and handling security concerns as the biggest hurdles, along with budgets, that were preventing them from having an easier job.

On the positive side, there are indications that investment in cloud is an area with spending commitments by customers already pencilled in over the rest of this year. The motivation for turning to the technology remains unlocking operational performance improvements and gaining access to more hosted services.

After cloud, improving cyber defences was the next priority, and many users were looking to carry out digital transformation projects. The door was open for the channel to pitch some alternatives, with many customers revealing they’re looking to streamline their current technology supply chain over the next 12 months.

Use cases and interest is rising around artificial intelligence, leading to 37% of those users quizzed by Daisy indicating it would be an area of investment this year.

“IT and business leaders are acutely aware of the challenges posed by rising costs. While doubling down on cost savings, organisations are also attempting to build long-term resilience to future-proof their operations,” said Lyndsey Charlton, COO at Daisy Corporate Services.

“It’s no surprise that many enterprises are looking at adopting new digital models and strengthening their cyber security posture, but these upgrades must be done in a cohesive and cost-effective manner.”

Daisy also discovered that despite economic headwinds, the vast majority of customers had maintained their ESG commitments. Sharing the same dedication towards sustainability remained a key attribute users looked for in their suppliers.

“Technology will continue to play an important role in helping organisations to become more efficient and meet their ESG goals. However, without a solid strategy underpinned by the right skills, organisations may fail to fully realise all the benefits. At a time where budgets are coming under increased scrutiny, it is vital that organisations work with trusted partners that can help them optimise and future-proof IT investments,” added Charlton.

Daisy hit the headlines earlier this month after merging with Wavenet to create one of the UK’s largest independent MSPs, generating an operation with £500m revenues, around 2,000 staff and a customer base that is in excess of 22,000 businesses.

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