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IT departments looking for managed services support
Insight has highlighted the difficult situation for those working in IT departments trying to meet the varied demands that are put on
Insight has shone a light on the problems that IT managers are having with many struggling to meet the demands being placed on them by the rest of the business.
Resellers are always on hand to help those that cannot cover all the bases and the Insight research identifies a growing opportunity.
According to the 2018 Insight Intelligent Technology Index, more than half (56%) of IT decision makers admitted that they could not keep both the core systems running and deliver the innovation being demanded.
It is not just a question of budget, skills and time but there are also cultural issues at play that can exacerbate the differences between the IT department and other parts of the business.
“Organisations have become acutely aware of the critical role technology now plays in overall business strategy, from enabling a more productive and connected workforce to increasing market share and customer loyalty. The Insight Intelligent Technology Index signifies how competing demands on IT are inhibiting their ability to plan and innovate,” said Emma de Sousa, managing director UK and vice president marketing EMEA at Insight.
The firm noted that although many customers were still dealing with problems some had started to turn to managed services as part of the solution.
“While we have been talking about the growing need for IT to both manage daily operations and be a strategic partner for transformation, many companies still have a long way to go when it comes to leveling the divide and creating a competitive advantage through innovation,” said de Sousa.
“The Index results suggest more businesses are putting an emphasis on managed services to get there. If this happens, the look and feel of IT departments will change dramatically and businesses will start to see even greater IT-driven business outcomes,” she added.
Where the problems are coming from
- Competing demands and not enough resources to effectively support the organisation (79%)
- Request of IT to support innovation, despite existing processes, practices and business operations not evolving to allow them to accomplish this (33%)
- Lacking clearly defined roles and responsibilities within the organisation (30%)