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Five-minute interview: Andie Dovgan, Creatio

The latest channel figure to share a few personal insights is the chief growth officer at no-code specialist Creatio

Hello Andie, tell us what you do for a living

I’m the chief growth officer at Creatio, which is a global vendor of a no-code platform to automate workflows and customer relationship management (CRM) with a maximum degree of freedom.

Why are you the right person for this job?

Creatio has been growing at 50%+ YoY for many years and counting. This is a testament to the incredible team and overall vision of the company. What gets me really excited is in my role, from where I sit in the company, I get to focus on growth, innovation and cross-functional alignment, as well as support various aspects of the business as we continue to scale.

Who helped you get to where you are today?

My incredible leader, Katherine Kostereva, and the passionate team at Creatio. They motivate me every single day as we look to bring genuine care to all our valued customers around the world.

What is the best or worst business advice you have received and from whom?

The best advice, in my opinion, is that leadership is a choice. The worst being to always lead from the back.

What advice would you give to someone starting out today in IT?

Technology today is evolving at such a rapid pace, so it’s mission-critical to invest significantly in self-education within your chosen domain to become an industry expert.

Is it possible to get through an industry conversation without mentioning digital transformation?

It is almost impossible, to be honest. But I look at that as a good thing as every business is now looking towards the future and seeing amazing opportunities in front of them. While it might be seen as an overused buzzword at times, true digital transformation is essential for staying competitive in today’s fast-evolving landscape.

Tell us something most people do not know about you

I’ve always believed in autonomous cars, but sadly gave up on that dream by getting my driver’s licence at 35.

While it might be seen as an overused buzzword at times, true digital transformation is essential for staying competitive in today’s fast-evolving landscape
Andie Dovgan, Creatio

What goal do you have to achieve before you die, and why?

Write a best-selling book about Creatio’s extraordinary journey.

What is the best book you’ve ever read?

Talent is overrated by Geoff Colvin. It’s a fantastic book and a must-read for anyone in a leadership role. I believe in Colvin’s interesting perspective because he debunks the common belief that innate talent is the primary driver of success. He emphasises that dedication, hard work and deliberate practice are what truly lead to exceptional performance.

What would be your Desert Island tracks?

Easily Careless Whisper by George Michael. I would have that on repeat all day long.

What temptation can you not resist?

Given my role, I’m often travelling around the world seeing our various customers, partners and Creatio family, so I try to enjoy a nice hotel or visit an upscale restaurant whenever I can as my guilty pleasure. 

What was your first car and how does it compare with what you drive now?

I’ve always driven a Lexus – I’m a loyal fan.

If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be and why?

A dog. They embody all the empathy and loyalty in the world.

If you were facing awesome peril and impossible odds, which real or fictional person would you most want on your side and why?

Iron Man. I love how the suit combines intelligence with cutting-edge technology.

And finally, a grizzly bear and a silverback gorilla are getting ready for a no-holds-barred rumble. Who is your money on and why?

I just asked GenAI these questions, and it recommends picking the bear. The grizzly has a significant size and weight advantage, along with massive muscle power and claws. I’ll trust the AI on this one!

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