Computer Weekly Buyer's Guide feature list 2023

Here is our 2023 schedule of up-and-coming in-depth articles that will cover carefully selected topics to help IT leaders select the right technology for their organisation

Computer Weekly Buyer’s Guides map the IT buying cycle of our readership onto relevant editorial that will inform and educate readers and help them in making the right buying decision.

On a three-week cycle, the publication runs a series of articles focused on a particular category of software/hardware/IT service. Articles appear in the features section of the Computer Weekly ezine, which can be downloaded as a PDF or viewed as an SEO-optimised Buyer’s Guide page on the Computer Weekly website.

The Buyer’s Guide PDF downloads point readers to the online Buyer’s Guide, where they will be able to access all the articles in one place, along with additional content, such as blog posts and related articles.

The editorial team updates the Buyer’s Guide schedule on a quarterly basis to ensure the chosen technologies are topical and to respond to short-term commercial opportunities.

Buyer’s Guides comprise three separate features, which combine to become a standalone piece of evergreen content that readers can refer back to.

Each part includes a written article, plus relevant background material, as well as exclusive online-only multimedia content and infographics.

The proposed schedule for H1 2023 is as follows:

Composable Business

Jan 17-Feb 6

We explore the next evolution of enterprise architecture, based on the idea of developing agile IT systems that can easily be adapted to meet changing business requirements.

Security skills, training and career development

Feb 7 - Feb 27

In this series of articles we discuss both the training and certification available to security professionals and how to provide the best end user security training.

Green tech for business

Feb 28 - Mar 20

Is it possible to reduce your carbon footprint and remain competitive? There is plenty of tech that promises to deliver both on green and business efficiency. We look at how these technologies are being deployed.

IT energy reduction

Mar 21 - Apr 24

The economic downturn and energy crisis has amplified the need for businesses to become more energy efficient. We investigate tactics to lower IT’s energy bill and improve sustainability.

Automation & autonomous control

Apr 25 - May 22

We look at how the tools and techniques organisations are using to identify and streamline manually intensive processes in order to optimise workflows, reduce inefficiencies and cut costs.

Secure coding

May 23 - Jun 19

In this series we investigate the tools and methodologies software team leaders use to enable more secure coding and techniques to help IT teams build software that is secure by design.

Network cost and bandwidth optimisation

Jun 20 - Jul 17

By analysing the flow of network traffic between applications IT leaders are able to reduce bottlenecks and identify where they can optimise costs.

Auditing and testing data models

Jul 18 - Aug 7

Given restrictions on the use of personally identifiable and commercially sensitive data, we look at how software developers and data scientists go about testing data models and data-driven applications

Developer experience

Aug 8 - Sep 4

How can CIOs and project managers build out cross-functional teams that can work effectively across organisational and geographic boundaries, using their preferred tooling.

Integrating best of breed SaaS

Sep 5 - Sep 25

The popularity of some enterprise SaaS products means that the world of enterprise software is now more complex than ever, with data not only residing across different enterprise systems - but, increasingly, data is held in different cloud-based systems.


Sep 26 - Oct 16

We assess the state of encryption, robustness of cryptographic techniques, data masking and the legal ramifications of end-to-end encryption

ITOps for accelerating business transformation

Oct 17 - Nov 13

The faster software-enabled product or service can be deployed into production, the quicker it can start delivering business value. In this series of articles we look at the challenges IT teams face in delivering software to support an ever-changing business landscape.

The Future of Business software

Nov 14 - Dec 04

We look at how data driven apps draw on AI and borrow from consumer apps and games to improve usability, helping users to understand complex datasets more easily and streamline workflows.

Technologies to enable hybrid work environments

Dec 05 - Dec 31

This series of articles explores the types of products snd services IT leaders should consider to facilitate a productive and collaborative hybrid work environment.

Read more on CW500 and IT leadership skills